Netivot Aliya is a program for English speaking girls who want to do Sherut Leumi in a supportive environment - for girls who made Aliya with their families, girls making Aliya alone, and girls on a volunteer visa.
We'll help you find your ideal Sherut Leumi placement with Aminadav. Live together with other new olot in Kiryat Moshe, Jerusalem. Lots of extra resources and tools to help your transition, as well as engaging Torah and life-skills classes, group meals, and optional ulpan. Check out the options in our two tracks below!
Click below to apply now! We will be in touch with you shortly to conduct an interview.
Do I have to make Aliya to do Sherut Leumi? The recent law changes have now made it possible to do Sherut Leumi on a volunteer visa. You still need to do a lot of paperwork and preparation (give yourself a few months ahead of time to work on it). You will get the same benefits of a lone Bat Sherut except that you will not have free medical insurance and free ulpan.
What kind of job can I get in Sherut Leumi? You can serve nearly anywhere, from educational field to health, government offices or non profit orgnaizations, to working with elderly or special needs. We also have jobs in agriculture, tour guiding and working with animals. Our Rakezet will interview you and help you figure what types of jobs will work best for your personality and ability.
Do I work in Hebrew or English? There are some jobs that require English but most jobs are in Hebrew and we encourage the girls to take a job where they will learn the language. It is very important in the integration process to work on Hebrew and Sherut is a great way to do that! By the end of the year many girls are mostly fluent!